Weighed heavy on the foundation Easily broken Brittle bones Of the soul The home built on lies Collapsed The metal cracked and died And all of it's on my mind I thought I carved out my purpose Into myself I thought I knew where I stood Thought I had a place But the more these days go by The more I thrash at these walls The quicker it breaks My purpose fades and is erased The body is a temple that dilapidates We're all given one Rise and fall with the sun, pretend it's all fun But they're all wasting away We're on borrowed time Evident everyday until we're done Believing it's a search for one's soul A journey for something we had all along Or maybe we don't? Maybe it's long gone And it's weighed on my mind for so long Impermanence rooted at the heart of it all Death and it's finality, How it strips and steals everything, callously Ending before we're ready Before we've even discovered our meaning What sort of life is this? That we're cast here; aimless, And told to make something of it? Just a mass of existence without direction But what would life be without death? Would we ever truly value it, If the thought wasn't present that there is an end? Would there be purpose without impermanence? The fact that life is short is the gift It's our utmost obligation to enjoy it It's our choice to believe what we believe - To fulfill our passions and follow our dreams Once we accept our finality... our end... That's the moment when we truly begin to live...
Author"Anything I can not transform into something marvelous, I let go. Reality doesn't impress me. I only believe in intoxication, in ecstasy, and when ordinary life shackles me, I escape, one way or another. No more walls." - Anais Nin Archives
February 2023
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